loguello1 Gites of Loguello

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hello " visitor " we are Saturday 27 July 2024 and it is 08 hours 50 minutes



A port cod-fisherman celebrates since the Middle Ages.

Door was opened by the old continent towards England and Ireland, Roscoff, girl quoted from character, seduces by her shipowners' beautiful houses in stony facades, her creeks, her beaches as well as the other numerous assets.
Roscoff offers to the walker the magnificent frame of his shipowners' beautiful houses with turrets and sculptured attic windows which were raised between the XVth and the XVIIth century.
In rubble stones and freestones, they give to the city all its stamp.
The church, built in the XVIth century, raises an attractive bell tower the Renaissance formed by pinnacles with small columns.
The building of style Flamboyant Gothic concerns its facade three sculptured caravels.
Inside, admire the organ of Dallam ( 1650 ).
Do not either miss to make to the chapel Saint-beard ( 1619 ) which, of its headland, offers a magnificent point of view on the Ile de Batz.

It is also the earth( of the famous pinkish onion of Roscoff.


The Exotic Garden of Roscoff,
  It is up to the G.R.A.P.E.S. (Grouping Roscovite of the Amateurs of Exotic and subtropical Plants), an association law 1901.
It is by the sea not far from the port in deep water where we take the ferry for Plymouth ( United Kingdom).
We cultivate exotic and subtropical plants that is native of the southern hemisphere there (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, etc.), islands of the Atlantic Ocean (Canary Islands, Island of Madere, the Azores, etc.) but also of the north hemisphere if plants can be considered as exotic (Mexican plants, in particular cactus, agaves, dasylirions, palm trees of China or moreover, etc.) At present, the garden possesses 3400 different plants.


  • Web site of the tourist office of Roscoff
  • roscoff5